Don't Be a Job Seeker, Become a Job Attractor
- and Get Better Career Opportunities -

As a job attractor, you’ll never be a job seeker again. Take charge of your future career and attract the right jobs for you to unleash your full potential! That is the power of Authentic Career Branding.

Now let me tell you why.

Job Seeker vs. Job Attractor

I bet you can tell just by just looking at the two “identities” how being a job seeker is someone who is on a hunt for new challenges. Whereas a job attractor is someone who has found a way of getting opportunities to come their way.

The Job Seeker

Being a job seeker is part of an ancient mindset, where you relied on finding job openings that might help you to go where you wanted to go in your career. So much has changed since people were looking for jobs in the newspapers and later online.

You are not at all in control as a job seeker. You rely entirely on others. If you get invited in for n interview, you might get lucky and get a great job. The competition is fierce in today’s job market, and you most likely have to know someone to get your foot in the door.

The Job Attractor

Being a job attractor, on the other hand, is a much more proactive way of taking charge of your future career opportunities. It’s an entirely new way of handling your career, made possible through the remarkable possibilities of the internet and social media.

As a job attractor, you are not leaving your career up to chance. You are in charge because you have a proactive Go-Giver mindset that attracts the right kind of people to you, and therefore also the right career opportunities.



Get ‘The Go-Giver’ Book here
(one of my favorite career books)

5 Steps to Become a Job Attractor

To become a job attractor, you need to be willing to do things differently than you’ve ever done before. You want to be in charge like you’ve never been before and take complete ownership of your career goals and what your career contribution is.

Here are five steps that’ll help you become a go-giving job attractor

  1. To be a real stand out job attractor, you need to have the right mindset. You want to be a Go-Giver and share your knowledge and passion with people.
  2. Your LinkedIn profile needs to be perfect and optimized for you to show in searches. You also want to be active in a few groups that are relevant to your field.
  3. You want to create a professional value proposition. That’ll make people curious about what you do, so they’ll want to connect with you.
  4. Follow and connect with influencers in your industry and offer your help. That’ll help you stand out and get your foot in the door.
  5. You want to take complete ownership of your online presence by creating a career website and build your professional knowledge base.

What is your decision going to be? Are you continue to be a job seeker or become a job attractor?

Speed up your job attraction and apply for a personal 1-on-1 Career Branding Mentorship now.

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Niels Reib - Career Strategist & Mentor

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