To get on the radar of influencers and thought leaders can be challenging, and maybe even seem a little scary taking that first step. How do you go around connecting, and perhaps also getting a meeting, with someone who you admire and who’s an influencer or thought leader within your industry or field?
To give you some great tips and inspiration on just how you do that, I sat down and talked with Matt Ragland, who has the answers you need.
“It’s not Who you know, it’s who you help”
– Matt Ragland –
Matt has a great track record when it comes to connecting with thought leaders and influencers, both online and in “real” life. So make sure you’ve got your paper and pencil out, and get ready to take some notes. Enjoy!
Influencers, the secret to connecting with thought leaders
Interview with Matt Ragland
Mentioned in The Interview
As the interview went on ‘The Go’ Giver’ by Bob Burg and ‘Start With Why’ by Simon Sinek were both mentioned. I highly recommend both books if you want to understand the Go-Giver networking concept better and want to find your Why.
You can find my interview with Simon Sinek here.
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