Get five great reasons why you should consider having a personal career website that’ll help you achieve your career goals and increase your future job security.
Success is not an accident, you have to do it on purpose
– Carrie Green
1. Create a Personal Knowledgebase
Be a *Go-Giver, and share what you know with the world.
As I wrote about in a previous article, the things you know might seem obvious to you, but the chances are that others will find them amazing.
When you start writing about your experiences, thoughts, and visions, you’ll begin to build a powerhouse based on your professional expertise. The value you produce will come across on a career website in a way that no stand-alone resume would never be able to describe.
Because you see, if you at one point need to go out and apply for a job, then you’ll have this fantastic knowledge base to refer back to in your resumes. You might even want to link to a specific blog post you’ve written, which a future employer might find interesting.
Having a personal career website and knowledge powerhouse will make you stand out in a big way in the future job market.
* The Go-Giver is an excellent book, which I recommend you read if you want to serve your network better.
2. Make Google Your Promoter
Another great bi-product of having a career website and professional knowledge base is when you start sharing what you know, you’ll feed Google with things you want to be known for.
In a sense, you’ll make Google your teammate and promoter.
Creating content online, you start to take ownership of what people find when they Google you. People will not only be able to find you based on your name but also based on the content you create. You might even have found this you’re reading right now, through a search on career websites?
When You publish content online, you’ll never know who’s going to come across the things you share, and your audience can be anywhere.
So, you see, creating online content will make Google your teammate and promoter.
3. Attract New and More Opportunities
Sharing what you know with the world will attract people with the same interests to your professional network. With that, new career opportunities will start coming your way.
Chances are, your future career opportunities will be better matches, because of your career website. Recruiters will have a better sense of what you’re all about and what great value you can provide to their company.
Since I began sharing and helping people by creating online content, I’ve been on a journey I had never imagined.
I’ve met some fantastic people, got opportunities to do workshops and speaking engagements, which I never thought I would or could do. I’ve interviewed great people. I was the first to host webinars, especially towards job seekers, and I’ve had meetings with influential politicians here in Denmark.
That’s just some of the opportunities I’ve attracted because of my Danish website.
4. Build Your Career Brand
When you begin sharing the things you know, from your career website, you’ll start to build your authentic career brand. Chances are you, if you do it consistently, you will be considered a go-to gent/lady within your field or niche.
As long as you keep adding value consistently, you’ll build a strong personal brand, and possibly gather a loyal following of like-minded people to your mailing list.
5. Increase Your Employability And Visibility
All of the above will help you increase your employability and future job security.
Building your solid knowledge base and taking ownership of your name/ brand, will attract new and better career opportunities, and help reach your goals in a way you can’t imagine, at this time.
Beautiful things happen when you start sharing what you know with the world.
Think of it this way.
With every blog post you write, and every piece of content you create, you’re adding another lottery ticket to your future career, going for the big win, and the career you dream of, want and deserve.
Your career success doesn’t happen by accident. You have to do it on purpose.
Final Thoughts on Personal Career Websites
The moment I hit the publish button for the first time on my first website, it changed my career direction completely.
I went from being a key account manager to being laid-off to create and transition to an entirely new career path. All thanks to the power of sharing my thoughts, vision, and experience.
It’s that powerful!
The journey has led to personal and professional growth, pushing me to exceed my self-induced limitations, getting on stages speaking to over 500 people on several occasions. It has opened up newfound creativity I never knew I had in me.
Through the content I’ve shared on my career website, I’ve been able to connect with inspiriting people, and I created the opportunity to meet with thought-leaders through my career branding summits.
If you want to take your career to a higher level, then having a career website is the best way to make you stand out from all competition moving forward, and I’ll be happy to go on the journey with you, guiding you every step of the way.
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