3 Easy Ways To Grow Your Linkedin Network Fast
- tips and tricks to grow your network on LinkedIn -

You might be sitting there wondering how to grow your LinkedIn network, so you can attract more career opportunities, clients, and business opportunities.

I’m going to share 3 really easy ways, that will help you grow your LinkedIn network fast. If you follow these simple tips, you can start attracting more visitors to your profile and new connections to your LinkedIn network, which will give you more opportunities.

Grow Your Linkedin Network Through Your Updates

One place to begin is by sharing valuable updates from your profile.

You can share updates from the LinkedIn homepage, the one with the update feed from your connections. You see the box at the top of the page, and there you simply click share update.

Don’t just share anything. Every time you post something on LinkedIn, you want to make sure it creates value for your existing connections.

I recently deleted a connection of mine because of an update; I thought I was so out of touch with what LinkedIn is. It was a picture of her with a snake around the neck. And no, she wasn’t working at a ZOO. It was about her overcoming her fear of snakes.

That’s not the kind of thing I’m looking for on Linkedin. It provided nothing of value and something to post on another social media platform.

So, what do I share?

On LinkedIn, you want to share content that shows your professional interests. These updates will help your connections know more about who you are professionally and what you stand for. You can share articles, book reviews, comment on industry news and tendencies, etc.

Now you might be thinking, but updates only reach my existing connections, which is true. But if the updates you share is valuable and your contacts comment and share them, then your reach gets larger and in front of your connections network. And that’s how you can attract visitors to your profile and grow your Linkedin network through posting updates from your profile.

Join and Be Active In The Groups To Grow Linkedin Network

Another, and probably the most effective and fast way to build your LinkedIn network, is to join a few groups around a topic within your industry.

Let’s say you’re doing graphic design. Then type ‘graphic design’ in the group search and then see what shows up. You can also take a step further and make your search even more specific by searching for ‘graphic design tools,’ ‘graphic design New York’, and so on. And of course, you can do this for every industry to find the types of groups that match your interests. There are over 3 million groups to choose from on LinkedIn.

In your search for groups, I suggest you shop around a bit and take note of the groups, where there is a steady stream of new conversations going on. There is no need for you to join a group, where there hasn’t been any activity for months.

Take note of the content shared and the discussions people start. How is the tone in the group Is it professional and formal, or maybe more informal or even harsh? Take a few notes as you go through the group feeds on the topics people have started. You don’t want your first discussion to be something that has already been covered recently in the group.

Don’t Just Go For Biggest Groups You Can Find

As Aja Frost suggests in this article, it actually might not be such a bad idea to look for a small group (up to 100 members), to join, to begin, just to get the feel of it. Of course, you can and should join bigger groups as well, but there you’ll only be one out of 30.000 maybe, and chances are the discussions you start will to disappear faster in the more prominent groups feeds.

So find a few small to medium-sized groups, where it’s easier to establish yourself as a member and begin commenting on the other member’s posts. Then after a while, when you’ve brought some value to the other member’s posts, you can start to ask questions and post discussions of your own. Asking open-ended questions usually gets a pretty good string of comments going, which will bring attention to your profile. Just as commenting and delivering value to other members posts will.

Use Blogging To Grow Your Linkedin Network

Not many people blog on LinkedIn yet. That’s why it can be another great way to attract attention to your LinkedIn profile and get new connections. Blogging on LinkedIn will also help you establish yourself as a thought-leader over time, and all your blog posts will show on your profile. So every time someone visits your LinkedIn profile, they will see the three most recent blogs you’ve written and of cause get the opportunity to see all you’ve shared through blogging on LinkedIn.

A Few Important Things To Remember

When you write a blog post on LinkedIn, I write when because there’s no if here. You want to grow your LinkedIn network, right? You just need to remember to choose three different tags for your blog post. Doing that will make it easier and help people from all over the world to find your blogs when they search on topics.

Always finish a blog post with a call to action. By that, I mean you should invite people to connect with you. You could write something like this:

If you enjoyed this blog post and want to learn more, then feel free to connect with me.

It doesn’t have to more than that.

But by doing it, people will click on your profile picture and invite you to connect. If you don’t do it and don’t remind them what LinkedIn is all about, then chances are they’re just going to leave your post without thinking about connecting with you.

As a final thing, when it comes to blogging on LinkedIn, I just want to remind you that you don’t own the content you create on LinkedIn. That is why I suggest you have a career website as your home base because that’s the only place where you’ll be in complete control online.

I’ve written a post you can read about it here.

To sum it all up

The best way to grow your LinkedIn network is to put your go giver hat on and start sharing your knowledge from your profile, in the groups, and blog posts. Doing that will help you establish yourself as someone who delivers value, and you will attract likeminded people to your network, which will give you more career and business opportunities.

If you’re interested in hearing more about how you can help you, then don’t hesitate to take a look at my 1-on-1 Career Branding Mentorship program, where I’ll help you take complete ownership of your career brand.

Let’s connect!

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