Providing Value To Others
- Networking with Bob Burg -

Networking and building professional relationships are necessary skills to keep in mind when you want to expand your career brand. I was fortunate to sit down with the author of Endless Referrals and co-author of the Go-Giver, Bob Burg, to talk about how to provide value to others in a professional setting.

Here is a snippet from the masterclass for the career branding summit.


I highly recommend you get Endless Referrals and The Go-Giver if you want to up your networking skills.

Thoughts on Networking

Way too many professionals neglect nurturing their network and providing value to others on a regular basis. It seems most only turn to their network when they need something, a job, contact, lead, or whatever it might be.

Make it a habit reaching out to your contacts on a regular basis just to touch base and build rapport to strengthen your relationship and help them if they need it. That way you’ll be in a much better position if you should need help, a lead, or a new job someday.

If you want more inspiration like this, then drop your name and best email down below, then I’ll make sure you get my best career and personal leadership tips in your inbox.

Niels Reib - Career Strategist & Mentor

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