Efter at have drevet Ledigidanmark.dk i godt og vel ti år har jeg valgt at lukke hjemmesiden og fremover koncentrerer mig om siden her.

Derfor vil jeg invitere dig til at tage et kig på mine mange gratis ressourcer som primært omhandler karriere, branding, produktivitet, samt personlig- og professionel udvikling.

Niels Reib,
(tidligere) Ejer og Community Manager, Ledigidanmark.dk

All Free Stuff

Here you’ll find all my free intro classes and articles that can help you take the next steps towards building your brand and developing your career as well as productivity and personal leadership tips.

You can also join my extended email course, where I’ll take you by the hand and guide you through building your brand from scratch, sharing weekly action steps with you. Doing that will also keep you in the loop whenever I post fresh content on the site and host events.

Join the club and get inspiration that will help you level-up in your career setting you up for success.

Branding Intro Class

Get an introduction on how to start attracting better career opportunities through career branding.

LinkedIn Intro Class

Get 5 quick tips to leverage your profile on LinkedIn and start growing your professional network.

Brand Test

Get your brand score and find out where to start building your online career brand and attract the career you deserve.


Get productivity and career inspiration in your inbox.